The Ranch: Clara’s “It’s a Small World” Room

Fun fact: Clara roomed in our Master Bedroom for the first year of her life. We had enough rooms at our Texas house to give her one of her own, but we try to hew closely to the AAP Guidance on rooming in (no shame for people who make different choices, we certainly don’t adopt them all equally) so she slept in our room. Clara turned 1 the week before we moved, so we never bothered to set up a nursery for her in Texas. Her Snoo, and then eventually her crib and an Ikea Kallax unit tucked into our bedroom held all of her stuff and a little decor.

I was excited to get to Colorado and setup a room for her. Even though I am a maximalist and can be a little spendy, I was not about to go out and buy new nursery furniture when we already had most of what we needed. I just had to remix it a little.

Clara got a green vintage dresser that I was gifted from my BFF’s parents when they were moving, a yellow bookcase that used to live in Magnus’s room, one of our white Jenny Lind cribs (yes we have two of the same crib), and our one remaining antique Chinese Chippendale armchair.

Each of our kids has an assigned animal, Magnus Leo is our lion, Charles Arthur is our Bear, and Clara Duffy is our Flamingo. As such she has amassed a rather large flamingo collection. So that gave me the basic palate of emerald, yellow, and flamingo pink.

From there it was easy, I was inspired by the classic Disney ride “It’s a small world” and two fun DIYs anchored the theme. I just needed to round it out with a few on-theme accessories to reinforce it. I loaded up on vintage small world products on eBay and Etsy, and then picked up a few global elements to balance out some of the tropical decor.

And all of the sudden, we had a room. Here’s the moodboard I made to ensure we had the right balance and picture the elements together.

It’s shaping up to be pretty cute!

Clara's Small World Nursery.png

Here are affiliate links to some of the products (or similar where sold out that we used in Clara’s Room. Hope to get pics of the finished room up here in the next few days!


Hot to (Turkey) Trot


Family Pumpkin Carving Party