Hi there! Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We’re the Allard family. We’ll get back over here ASAP to tell you all a little more about who we are and what we are doing here.

In the meantime here are the basics:
Mary - mid 30s. Aspiring style-maven, maker of pretty things, serial over-doer, part-time florist, attorney, corporate-type, cake-snob, pretty pink bulldozer, wife, mom. Wearer of many hats.

Aaron - mid 30s. AF JAG. Lifter of heavy things, thinker of outside of the box ideas, holder of traditional values, dad, husband.

Magnus - 5. Kindergartener. Amateur inventor, fort-builder, story-teller, dancer.

Charlie - 3. Sweet-tooth, sweetheart, aspiring BRO, bear-hugger, chief mischief-maker.

Clara - 1. Heart stealer, nose-crinkler, wobbly-walker, squealer.