Starting to Crack[er]
It’s that time of the year-
No, not Christmas Lights or Carolers or Black Friday Madness. This is the time of year for a classic holiday meltdown!
With kids home from school, fueled with holiday sugar (cookies), creeping through the house like John McClane through an air vent at a Christmas Party- the little ones are in prime form around holiday time.
So if you feel yourself cracking up in the mistletoe-scented pressure cooker of the holidays, like Walt Griswold, George Bailey or Ebeneezer Scrooge bah-humbugging those around you- here is a fun activity that keeps little hands busy and brings more joy and magic to the holiday season.
The English tradition of Christmas Crackers is a fun little DIY:
(Old English Crackers has a great tutorial and also sells “snaps” which are a must have, and roller tools which are a “nice-to-have” if you ‘re hopping to make a bunch)
To do your own crackers, make sure to have:
Cardboard Tubes
Heavy-weight Paper
Wrapping Paper
Curling Ribbon
Cracker “Snaps” (one for each cracker)
A Glue Gun
Adorable Ill-Behaved Assistants [OPTIONAL]
And to fill them, tradition says:
A joke/motto
A Crown (tissue paper is great)
A toy, treat or prize
And that’s it!
Let us know how your crackers turned out.
Parents’ Crackers awaiting more treats!
Wrapping the filling in tissue paper helps keep it in place.
Cardboard tubes hold the goodies and a strip of thick paper helps the end of the tubes hold their shape.
Treats inside and ready to tie-off
Helpful(ish) helpers!