Date Night - White Chocolate Grill
To my coupled friends especially those with kiddos, are you finding time for date nights? Aaron and I know how important it is to find time for just the two of us to reconnect and with three kids five and under it can be very hard to maintain a conversation. In COVID times it’s been harder for us to get away for regular dates, as a) our choices on where to go or what to do are much more limited and b) we’ve been cashing in all our babysitter points and then some with my parents graciously helping during the workdays since the kids have been out of school/daycare since March.
But even with those challenges, we still try to sneak SOMETHING in as as often as we can. Sometimes it’s going for a ride in the car after we put the kids to bed while my parents are on standby, sometimes it’s grabbing carry-out for a car picnic in a scenic overlook, and last night we got a real date! It felt like our last chance for awhile because our time with built-in babysitters is drawing to a close. My dad is leaving today to go unload their storage unit and take it to their newly renovated Florida condo and my mom will be joining him ASAP.
We’d originally hoped to do an overnight or weekend away, but the timing didn’t quite work out, so we made the most of a Thursday date night.
We masked up and walked around an outlet mall we’d been wanting to check out and did some browsing for possible winter outdoor gear and then we headed up to the Denver burbs to introduce Aaron to a restaurant that was a favorite of mine a decade ago when I lived in Littleton M-F on business. While there are undoubted tons of fun places closer to home we haven’t tried, we were intentional in choosing something with a little bit of a drive to get the extra time away to talk.
Reveling in the sounds of a child-free dinner
My dear friend Chad introduced me to the White Chocolate Grill when we were in need of generous pours and comforting, decadent food when the multi-agency project we were in town together working became a little too annoying to enjoy.
Red for me, Old-fashioned for my favorite guy
This was our third time eating at restaurant since March, all outdoors. We are still avoiding indoor dining and were thrilled to discover we could use Open Table to secure an outdoor table reservation. It had been 10 years since I’d visited but I was still salivating over the memory of their bread pudding and let me say, the experience lived up to the memory.
Parmesan crusted filet on a bed of mashed potatoes with a side of the most perfect asparagus. Melt in your mouth good!
And the bread pudding…the reason we drove 45 min for dinner
It was such a nice evening! Hoping we will figure out a way to safely slip away again soon! If not we can load the kids up in a stroller and give them iPads and go for a LOOOOOoooong walk together? Just so important to have that time.