BOOing our neighbors
We moved to Colorado the first week of August. We have made ZERO friends. Zilch, Zip, Nada, None. I’ve had a few very helpful exchanges with kind neighbors through the Cordera Facebook page and Aaron is making connections in his very small office, but with COVID and our higher risk profile we aren’t getting out and we are avoiding interactions outside of our bubble.
This wasn’t what we imagined. When we found out we were moving, we started imagining how we would build a life here. We had plans and ideas for all kinds of hosting and networking to build a friend group here, and at least for now that’s out the window. We’re missing connection, we’re missing friends, and as we get deeper into the holiday season we miss celebrating with people.
So we were after a way to make some (COVID) safe connections for Halloween fun. We also are working to develop in our children the joy of giving. Enter BOO bags, or in our case BOO buckets.
I loved the idea of surprising friends (or neighbors) with a little Halloween joy! We had a lot of fun picking out treats and sweets, stuffing them in buckets and then sneaking them on to our neighbors porches.
Here are a few of the fun supplies we used to Boo our neighbors. Hope you can get in on the fun!