DiYs For little climbers part I

Our little Clara keeps getting bigger and better at moving through the world. Much like her brothers, that means CLIMBING. Unlike her brothers she is not very reliable at climbing, yet. 

Still, she’s up the stairs as soon as you turn around and after weeks of keeping an eagle eye on her, we decided she needed a baby gate.

Looking online, the choices can be: attractive, fit our stairway or cost-effective, and you only get to pick two...

So Mary found an attractive DIY option online, from Bob Villa no less and I agreed to take a crack at building it.

You can see the pics below, and I think it turned out pretty spiffy. We still have a little finishing work to do this weekend (wood filler, painting, sealing) but buying the pre-primed boards it already looks pretty good, and we needed it in use immediately to keep Little Miss Magic off the stairs.

The BOYS required a different climbing solution. See, they’re pretty good climbers, and we want to cultivate that. I (Aaron) took Maggie to a climbing gym back before COVID, and recently they both enjoyed Climbing at badlands park. But I found a climbing solution closer to home.

More on that in Part II


Diy it’s a small world mural and toy


Update: Halloween Comes to ouR House